Your Phone, Your Life

A day has 24 hours. You spend around 1/3 of it sleeping. The rest is dominated by two things: work and phone.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? I don’t know about you but I start mine by checking the phone screen.

Scores of studies have shown that most people are addicted to their smartphones.

The addiction is mostly attributed to the various applications installed on the device.

This could be the Watsapp Messenger, Twitter, Tiktok, YouTube, WeChat,among many others.

You may not know why you like looking at your phone every five minutes even when there is no notification.

But app developers know why.

Applications like Twitter are methodically designed to hook you.

For instance, when you open the app, there is a deliberate 2-5 seconds delay before your notifications start ringing. This according to psychologist,has some effects on your brain. Every time you open that app, you will always expect the notifications, and if you don’t, you get disappointed.

So what Can We Do About The Addiction?

If you search the internet, there are so many solutions to phone addiction.

But the best answer is to put the phone away when you are working, eating, reading or conversing.

Reduce the frequency of looking at the device even when you get the urge.

Also consider reading hardcopy materials.

Do doing this, you will find out that you have more time to do more productive things with your life.

It will also be good for your eyes. What do you think about this issue?

Photo by cottonbro on

Published by TechDaudi

I am an open book. My life revolves around modern technologies. That is what you will find here. Reach me at

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